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Friday, January 30, 2009


Thierry loves blowing all he sees: water, food, dust and crumbles. But what he prefers is to wristle and see soap bubbles (totally addicted to soap bubbles!). I am amazed how Thierry lets us already know when he has done Nr1 in his diaper! Is it the age already? We could already work on the "warn us before not after, please!" but I think that would be too pushing, no? He makes us laugh when he points his diaper with his finger and shouts: "Ba!" Yes, it is bah, and it stings horribly too!!

Thierrry has been ill again. We are desperate. Can he catch so many colds? Like once a month minimum, is that normal???? The doctor said that kids contaminate each other so easily. It happends either between 0 and 2 or between 2 and 4. I hope he is right and that at age of 2 Thierry will be more imuned and stronger. The other day Thierry woke up with his eyes glued together with thick yellow pus, argh! Thierry was also often awake at night. We suspect his teething. He got 3 new teeth in January!

On the verbal side, Thierry repeats often one word we say. Like "pap" or "gant" (glove). He says "Pa" (daddy) but it is not very clear. He walks 3 steps distances more often. It could be because we have too big spaces at home. It is too far for him to hop from one point to the other. Even if he doesn't say too many words, he is not silent: he pops just on your nose shouting asking you to pay attention to what he is doing and mumbling!!


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