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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Getting by?

Amazing how tough kids are. Especially their head! After so many falls, Thierry's brains seem still working fine! 2-3 weeks ago it was every 3 days a big fall and cries. Fortunately it almost does not happen anymore.

Do you also notice how kids do not liked to be rushed? Thierry likes to take time to play with that stick in the mud, to look at that stone and how it falls again and again. You better not be in a hurry or you would just miss countrish discoveries along the way. Same when it is time to go to bed or go back home Thierry hides under table and chairs. After work picking him up at Erika's, he still wants to show me all the toys he plays with and tickle with the boys. My favorite attitude to make him follow me is to say: Mama is leaving, if Thierry wants to stay alone it is okay. It is magic, here he comes! Hmmm, I hope I am not going to traumatise him...

It is so cute to see him walking... a bit Charlie Chaplin with legs wide apart and feet pointing outside. It is even cuter to see him walking and shouting: Mama, Mama, Mama!
And what about seeing this little piece of you copying every move or caugh you do. It makes you REALLY aware of what you are doing and saying. Beware!


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